My Interview with Slavoj Žižek

The Dangerous Maybe
2 min readSep 7, 2023


Hi, TDM readers, I just want to let you know that Dave McKerracher and I just had an interview with the one and only Slavoj Žižek. We got him to discuss many concepts and thinkers that are relevant to our own work including the ethics of psychoanalysis, desire vs. drive, universality, perversion, lack/excess, artificial intelligence, the big Other, underground theory, Todd McGowan, Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, Jean Baudrillard, Jean-François Lyotard and Nick Land. Yes, that’s right . . . even Nick Land (link below).

This interview was part of the Theory Underground Book Tour. Dave just released his book Timenergy: Why You Have No Time or Energy as well as the new anthology Underground Theory, which contains essays by many underground theorists like myself as well as essays by Slavoj Žižek, Marshall McLuhan, Todd McGowan, Alenka Zupančič, Catherine Liu, etc. Both books are now available on Amazon and also on (they cost less here).

By the way, for those of you specifically interested in the philosophy of Nick Land, I’m going to be teaching a four-week crash course on his work at Theory Underground. The course starts October 28. Here’s the link to the enrollment page.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know about all this. Here’s the link to our interview with Žižek:

